Friday, March 04, 2005

Quick notes

Trying to see how Agile can be adapted into our SAP development group.
  1. Installed TWIKI - very nice :-). Twiki is a WIKI site that allows users to modify the pages on the fly. It runs on Cygwin Perl and Apache. Found a very nice step-by-step install guide for Windows. Integrated this with Windows NTLM logins - again another step-by-step guide!
  2. Installed a pilot site of CommunityServer. Installing CS is really easy despite the size of CommunityServer. BTW - the source code is now available. Guess I was on the bleeding edge when I needed it last week.
  3. Emule - is a distributed file-sharing network. Tried it successfully today.
  4. ABAP2HTML - Converts your ABAP program to a color coded HTML. You can change the VBA macro code for this program to adapt it to your needs.

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