Thursday, May 31, 2007

The next wave - is it Workflow?

I'm back after a long gap in posting. Mostly triggered by a migration to a new PC and followed by a lot of inertia. Now I'm looking at user centric applications designed using the principles of SOA and incontextual design. The basic idea is to create "meta-applications" or cross applications. These reside over conventional applications and work towards incorporating collaboration and convenience.
The collaboration recognizes that the process requires multiple people to provide inputs / approvals / notifications. So rather than using email, why not build it into the application?

This is where workflow across systems steps in. I've studied SAP's Guided Procedures and their CAF framework. Later this week, when looking at the Microsoft Workflow services, I was struck by how similar the two were!

Next step will be to try out a few scenarios with both technologies
1. Microsoft Workflow Foundation services - possible embedded in Microsoft Sharepoint.
2. SAP Guided Procedures in the SAP Portal.

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